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Wedding Countdown Ticker
2 weeks = 14 days! Apr 29

At this very moment in 2 weeks M and I will be married!  WOO HOO!  I still cannot believe how quickly the time is passing.

Today is also special for another reason, Prince William and Kate Middleton were married this morning (if you live in the US anyway).  I haven’t watched the actual ceremony yet since it came on at 6 o’clock this morning but I did manage to get to work in time to see the “kiss”.  Not super impressive but very sweet.  I can’t imagine kissing my new husband or wife in front of all those people, all waiting to see a kiss.

I wouldn’t bring up the royal wedding but I feel like it has made me even more excited.  Being able to see a wedding right before my wedding kind of makes it hit home, like WOW this is happening, soon!  But it also makes me excited for all of the hubbub if you will.

With 2 weeks left I can pretty confidently say I am DONE!  That’s right, short of printing out the note for the guest book I am done.  All of my projects are complete, everything has been printed out (with the exception above) or written out or tied or glued.  And I just remembered we still need to figure out our tables but that too is a pretty quick fix and half way complete.

Home stretch here we come!


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