For the last couple of hours I’ve had this tightness in my chest. It makes it hard to breathe at times. I know it’s just anxiety and it will go away. And I wish it would hurry up. I’m starting to get annoyed. I’ve tried deep breathing and I can’t seem to shake it. Since I know I have issues with this I’m not completely freaked out just bothered mainly.
A couple of weeks ago a blogger I read was talking about her bouts of anxiety. Specifically she was talking about the night before when she couldn’t sleep. It is nice to know others have issues like this too. I’ve talked to my doctor about it and she said that once my sinus infection clears up and I can breathe again then we would talk about my anxiety.
Today my anxiety is linked to a wedding related project I am working on. Actually I am working on something for someone else and I am worried that it is going to SUCK! I ended up running to Michael’s at lunch to look for some stencils. I didn’t find exactly what I was looking for. But anything has to be better then my failed attempts of painting words.
I’m sure it doesn’t help that last night my dreams were consumed with invitations. I already have my invitations but I ran across something last night that gave me an idea. Apparently my brain went into overdrive while I slept because I started out with pink invites and when I woke up they were green and white. HA!
Even just reading back over my blog about this project makes my chest tighten up. Why is this stressing me out? I’ve been doing DIY stuff for months now and NOTHING has had me this worked up. Ughh! Maybe some good ole’ fashion work – as in my job – will help.